Help us promote the ELITE Study on social media!

We’ve made it as easy as possible for you to spread the word about the study! Either make a post out of the photos below or scroll down to learn how you can add ELITE Study branding to any of your posts. Just make sure to tag us @TheEliteStudy wherever you post!
Completion badge
(Hold down to save on mobile devices or right-click on a desktop)

Post with QR code

Study explanation

Find more sample posts here!
Personalizing your ELITE Post
If you would like to make your ELITE post your own, you can find our logo and story templates here. You can also find a short video describing how to add the decals to your photos on Instagram at the link above. With all of these materials, it’s up to you whether you make a story or main post–we would be grateful for any interaction with our study’s accounts. Also, if posting something original is not what you want, we always appreciate a re-post of any content we distribute! In whatever you post, just remember to tag us with @theelitestudy and #elitevo2! Thank you and stay ELITE!
How to use: After downloading the decals at the link above to your phone, select the photo you wish to add the decal to as though you were to post it to your story. From there, go to your photos app and to the decal you wish to use, and copy the image (for iOS, select the icon of the “square with pointing up arrow” in the bottom left corner). When you return to your story post on Instagram, it will give you the option of adding the decal as a sticker, so select that and voilà! You can use this technique to not only create story posts with our decals, but also if you take a screenshot of the post, you can easily use it as a main post on any platform, that way you can integrate a short caption about the study and why your qualifying followers should take the time to contribute, i.e. “Check out @theelitestudy at Stanford University researching the genetics of elite endurance athletes to gain a deeper understanding of high-level human performance #elitevo2.”

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Get Involved
Click the button below to enroll in the ELITE Study as a participant.
We also invite faculty, students, staff, alumni, friends, and external organizations to collaborate with ELITE Study at Stanford. If you wish contact the ELITE team or stay in the loop with research updates, please fill out the form below or contact us directly at