Welcome to ELITE

Are you ELITE?

The ELITE study is an international collaboration aimed at discovering the genetic determinants of physical fitness in the world’s most elite endurance athletes. We are currently recruiting participants for the ELITE Study.

Participation in the ELITE Study takes up to 15 minutes and can be done entirely remotely (i.e. from the comfort of your own home)! To qualify, you must have a lifetime highest VO2max of 55+ mL/min/kg for women and 65+ men. We will ask participants to read and sign a consent form, provide a saliva sample and answer questionnaires regarding basic information such as height, weight, VO2max and health status.

We are hoping to build the ELITE Study community to not only participants who qualify for the study, but also researchers who wish to collaborate with us, as well as anyone who is interested in the project. If you wish to be a part of the ELITE Study community, please fill out the form below!

Get Involved!

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Join our Strava Club to connect with other athletes who support the ELITE Study.

Use buttons below to follow us on Instagram and TikTok! You can also click here to find instructions to spreading the word online.


Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance

Our research is supported by the Stanford Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, a collaborative research initiative that seeks to improve the health and well-being of all people through the study of peak human performance. The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance is an interdisciplinary effort made up of six primary hubs leading cutting edge research to advance this field of study and translate it into practice in sports medicine and beyond. The six hubs include Stanford University, Boston Children’s Hospital, The University of Kansas, University of Oregon, the Salk Institute, and University of California San Diego.

Get Involved

Click the button below to enroll in the ELITE Study as a participant.

Enroll in the ELITE Study!


We also invite faculty, students, staff, alumni, friends, and external organizations to collaborate with ELITE Study at Stanford. If you wish contact the ELITE team or stay in the loop with research updates, please fill out the form below or contact us directly at elitestudy@stanford.edu.